Helpful Links
Find below a list of links to products and services we have found useful.
Waterfall Way Accommodation
Run by our daughter Lucy and located in the local area. Waterfall Way Accommodation offers an off-grid cabin and glamping with full amenities on our farm at Wakefield, as well as a self-contained 3 bedroom home near Dorrigo. Book on the website and get in fast if you would like to stay during the sale.
Good Life Beef
A paddock-to-plate beef business run by our daughter Lucy and her husband Chris. The beef tastes great and their animals are all Wakefield cows crossbred with Wakefield bulls.
Order your box online at
Donovan Livestock Grafton
Our wonderful agents based in Grafton, highly recommended.
Office: 02 6643 4411

Ian Weir and Son, Lismore
Our agents based in Lismore.
Office: 02 6621 2768

Charolais Society of Australia
Check out their webpage for more information on the Charolais breed.
Castlereagh Artificial Breeders
Contact Marg Shedden for all your AI, semen testing and liquid nitrogen needs.
Australian Animal Genetics
Vet Rob Pashen is a leader in the field of embryo transfer in both cows and horses.
Armitage and Buckley, Armidale
A&B are one of two agents for our annual bull sale, see link for contact details.