50 Years of Bull Breeding
Wakefield has been in the Frizell family since our Irish ancestors first settled here in the 1860s. The property holds a proud family tradition of hard work, persistence and success and that is reflected in the cattle that run here today.
Wakefield is located near Wollomombi, which is a small village about 40km from Armidale on the NSW Northern Tablelands. With an altitude of 980m, the winters here are brisk and we have an average of over 90 frosts per year. The cattle are well acclimatised to extremes of temperature ranging from -12*C in the winter to 38*C in the summer. Our long term average rainfall of 930mm was far less in the late 2010s and drought conditions really tested the fertility and doability of our herd, but we are proud to say that these conditions have only made our cattle better than ever as we have enjoyed fabulous seasons in 2021/22/23/24. We currently run a herd of 300 registered Charolais females and 150 Angus breeders.
The stud principals Greg and Jenny Frizell are ably assisted in the running of the property by their daughters Lucy and Claire. Lucy and her husband Chris live and work on the farm too, running a commercial herd of cows as part of their paddock-to-plate beef business, Good Life Beef. Lucy also runs Waterfall Way Accommodation which welcomes guests to stay and interact on the farm and is also available for people to book for the bull sale or other farm visits.
Claire has been back on the farm since late 2021 after returning from a 2 year vet locum in the UK. She is now focusing on building her local vet business, Wollomombi Veterinary Services, based in Wollomombi and servicing clients from west of Armidale to Dorrigo.
Wakefield prides itself on being an enterprising and groundbreaking stud in the field of new genetics and invests time and effort in the improvement of its animals through embryo transfer and AI programs. 100% of our Angus cows and 80% of our Charolais cows are AI-ed each year to current, top performing bulls, which increases the genetic performance of our herd.
We are also an EU accredited JBAS 7 herd, with strong biosecurity awareness.
We look forward to meeting you at our annual bull sale in August!
19th Annual Wakefield Bull Sale - August 16, 2024 at 1pm
Don’t miss the 19th Annual Wakefield Bull sale selling 45 Charolais and 30 Angus bulls both on-farm and on-line via Elite Livestock Auctions. The sale starts at 1pm, with bulls available for viewing from 11am onwards. Complimentary morning tea and lunch are provided on the day.
View the 2024 catalogue here.
View the 2024 bull videos here.